Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pictures of the GRACE Christmas Cottage

I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful donations for the GRACE Christmas Cottage. Because of the donations they have received they will be able to serve 475 families with 1300 children.

Joan W. (Ivie-TX, Proofreader) and I had the honor of spending a couple of hours yesterday helping GRACE clients pick out their gifts and get everything loaded into their cars. Being there to help really gives you a glimpse into how generous the GRACE program really is. It not only allows the families to choose their own gifts but allows for anywhere from 3-5 gifts per child. Plus, every family gets a board game, books, stocking stuffers, stuffed animals and a family gift. So each client was leaving with several large bags full of gifts for their family.

Not only was the program generous, but also very well organized and very well supported by volunteers. There were about 10 people helping to bag the gifts each client chose, plus, since yesterday was a Hispanic day, there were another 5 people there to translate. So every family who came through the door had 2 people helping them through the process. The warehouse was completely decorated by local teenagers from schools and churches so it was very festive and welcoming. Attached are some pictures to give you an idea of what it is like.

Posted by Becky P. (Ivie-TX)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Basket Fundraiser @ Ivie IA

The Thanksgiving Basket fundraiser was a huge success.

We started with a list of items that we thought should be a part of a Thanksgiving feast. We purchased a clothes basket, foil pans for baking, plates, utensils, napkins and cups.

For each item on our list we created a feather, and decorated a paper turkey. The first day the turkey was hung about 3/4 of his feathers were plucked. By the middle of the week, we had a clean turkey. The food and donations started coming in almost immediately.

All of the non-perishable items were purchased to be placed in the basket. The perishable items were covered by monies donated for a gift card. We even had some homemade stocking caps brought in for the 3 children from our family. A nice touch to our basket were the recipes that we included from some of our own holiday favorite dishes.

As you can see from the pictures attached, we could not fit everything in to the basket. It was overflowing, with the items we asked for and other items that people picked out on their own. Throughout the week, people would come in to check out all of the things that had been brought in. A lot of caring and pride went in to this basket. We have a great group of people here, and they are ready and waiting for our Angel Tree to get on it's way.

Jeri C. (Ivie-IA)