Monday, January 26, 2009

Thank You for Magazines

Hi Kim,
I wanted to let you know again how much I appreciated all the recycled magazines that you brought by my house from you and your co-workers at Ivie and Associates. Every week I was able to ship a care box to my son LCPL Timothy D. Keele, which included the magazines for him to share with his fellow Marines. Instead of throwing them away, you and your co-workers took the time to gather the magazines, bring them to work and then you Kim, made sure I had a slew of them to mail out each week.

I'm very excited to pass on the good news that the 1/3 B Co 1st Platoon will be leaving Iraq soon and be back to their base in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii in about a month.Thank you again, so much, Ivie and Associates employees for donating to my son and OUR countries soldiers. The reading materials helped to pass away some of their down time. Their reading table was just as popular as waiting in the long line to use the phone to call home !!!
Laura Keele-Kelson

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Handmade Greeting Cards

I recently joined a nationwide group that makes handmade greeting cards and sends them to our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. They can be of any design on the front (holidays, anniversary, birthday, miss you, love you, etc.) but the inside should be blank so that the soldiers can write their own personal greeting. An envelope for each card is also needed. The cards can be all the same or all different and any number is appreciated. For those who aren’t able to make cards, monetary donations are appreciated to help with shipping costs.

Anyone who would like to participate can contact me if they have questions and cards can be shipped to me at the Iowa Call Center.

Thank you.
Cindy Horvath
563-386-5886 x.3137