Tuesday, April 28, 2009

RELAY FOR LIFE - Carrollton, TX

If you indicated via the survey link that you were interested in participating in the Relay for Life event in Carrollton, TX on May 29th please send an email to IvieCares@ivieinc.com. They're will be a meeting scheduled soon so we want to make sure everyone is included.
Thank you!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

150-Mile Bike Ride for Multiple Sclerosis

Sandra Ogden is the Director of Production at Ivie and her husband Rich is participating in an 150 mile bike ride to raise money for multiple sclerosis.

"I've registered for the Bike MS: SAM'S CLUB Ride to fulfill a personal challenge, and also to help the National MS Society fund research, advocate for change and help people with MS and their families lead powerful lives. I believe in the work they do and want to be part of it."

Please visit Rich's page and make a donation if you can.

Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological disorder that affects people in many different ways. It could be paralysis one day, loss of vision the next or impaired memory the day after that. Living with MS means living with uncertainty. When it comes to MS, only two things are certain:Another American is diagnosed every hour of every dayMany people are joining the movement toward a world free of MS including me.

Donation Boxes in Lobby

We now have donations boxes setup in the lobby for 2 things:
1. Magazine donations, which will be sent to a platoon in Iraq.
2. Toiletry donations, which will go to a local shelter.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Magazine Donations - Bring em on!

We are relaunching our magazing donation project. Some time in the next week I will get a basket for us to place the magazines in the upstairs lobby. In the meantime feel free to drop them in my office. Below is a note we received from the mother of one of the troops plus you can view a few pictures in the Links to the right:

Hi! My name is Laura and my son LCPL Tim Keele just returned from his second deployment to Iraq. He is currently in Denton visiting for two weeks and one day before he heads back to the Marine Base in Kaneohe Bay, HI. While I'm extremely overjoyed with the return of my Marine the fact that we do live in such a "small world" has hit close to home. LCPL Randon Atkinson who is stationed at 29 Palms, CA is a member of the platoon that replaced Tim's platoon in Iraq, so while I have my son home another mother, a father and two sisters have their son and brother deployed again. Tim and Randon know each other. They both were recruited from the Carrollton, TX recruit office. Randon's sister Rachel and Tim both used to work for me part time while attending college and I remember Rachel bringing her younger brother Randon up to work sometimes.

My desire to send recycled magazine to our troops will continue until all of our soldiers return home. We sometimes take for granted our freedom while our troops go on patrols, eat less than desirable food, (Tim's platoon had ravioli for Thanksgiving last year), request socks in their next care package, wait in long lines to use a computer and even longer lines to use the phone. They are lacking a good night sleep each night and are on call 24/7 for the length of their deployments. Each living quarter has a table for reading material and every box of magazines sent to our troops is added to the table so they have some form of entertainment and a connection to the real world. Our troops just can't get in a car and go out to eat or see a movie while deployed so the magazines are truly appreciated.

Thank you for all you've done and continue to do Ivie & Assoc. employees....