Friday, October 16, 2009

Mission Work in Kenya

Below is a message from my friend Dr. Bob Mendonsa (formerly a leading orthopedic surgeon here in Flower Mound), and his mission work in Kenya.

Dear All,
There are exciting things happening with Naomi's Village, the orphanage we're building in Maai Mahiu, Kenya. Please check out the news on our
website to see the latest news, to see pictures of children who will steal your heart, and to see how you can get involved!
With hope,

Bob, Julie, Emily and Will

Our home group put on a garage sale last weekend to help raise funds for the construction of the orphanage, and we raised $1300 that we will be sending to them. But they need ALL the help they can get. In addition to building an orphanage, the Mendonsas also orchestrate a weekly feeding plan for the Kenyan children. Children walk for miles once a week to get to them so that they can be given basic food staples which they then take back to their families.

In addition to both these efforts, Bob works as an orthopedic surgeon in the CURE INTERNATIONAL Hospital there in Kijabe Kenya, where they are stationed.

Thank you,
Sandra O. x5358

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