Friday, September 18, 2009

Serenity Springs Sanctuary

I have the Ivie Cares program at Ivie and Associates to thank for getting me involved with the wonderful Serenity Springs Sanctuary here in North Texas. I spend most of my Sundays at the sanctuary helping feed the pigs and work with the horses.

Serenity Springs Sanctuary is truly an animal heaven on earth. There are about 98 pigs, mostly Vietnamese Potbelly Pigs. There are 6 horses, two of them are totally blind. There are 3 miniature horses with two of those that are special needs animals. There are 3 mules, a miniature donkey, 2 cows, 1 goat, peacocks, chickens and 6 dogs and 12 cats. It is a great place to hang out and get some good ol' country peace and quiet.

Serenity Springs Sanctuary has stumbled on some very difficult times. Donations have dwindled and the veterinary bill has shot up due to 3 of the horses needing some critical care recently. The horses are fine now, even though little Cody, one of the miniature horses had to have one of his eyes removed.

If you would like to learn more about Serenity Springs Sanctuary, TV channel 11 just ran a news story about the sanctuary on September 11, 2009. You can view it by going to this link:

You can also go directly to Serenity Springs Sanctuary's web site to see the news clip or look at the photos of the many wonderful animals there. The web site also has a PayPal link if you would like to make a donation or if you are interested in sponsoring one of the animals there at the sanctuary.

If you want to visit the sanctuary and spend a lovely day in the country, just e-mail Terry at for directions on how to get there. The web site address is:

The photo above is of Sundown, the blind Appaloosa mare, and Cody, the little miniature horse that recently lost one of his eyes.

~Bonnie L. (Prepress in Flower Mound)

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