Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wow! Huge Response for Princess Alexa

We hit a record for our October Jeans for Charity event. Ivie associates raised $748 and a bin full of costumes for the Princess Alexa Foundation. This is the most we've raised in a month so far.

Congratulations to the Princess Alexa Foundation for their feature story on Good Morning Texas this past Monday. Please check out the video when you have a chance.

Remember ... Costumes are on sale all over the area right now so please feel free to continue to pick up donations and drop them off with Robin Ganslen or Becky Pearce.

For those who are knew to our blog, Jeans for Charity is a monthly event that allows employees to wear jeans on Tuesday for a donation of at least $2. Each month we choose a different charity from a pool of organizations submitted by Ivie associates.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

24 Hours of Game Play for TX Children's Cancer Center

The Extra Life gaming marathon took place this past weekend. My husband and I as well as hundreds of other gamers played for 24 hours to raise money for the Texas Children’s Cancer Center at Texas Children’s Hospital. It was a lot of fun for a great cause. I was able to raise over $400 and my team as a whole raised $1,000. Totals are still coming in for the event as a whole but there has been $141,000 raised as of today.

The Extra Life website is still taking donations until the end of the month and you can find out more at the official site :

- Leala U. (Creative in Flower Mound)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mission Work in Kenya

Below is a message from my friend Dr. Bob Mendonsa (formerly a leading orthopedic surgeon here in Flower Mound), and his mission work in Kenya.

Dear All,
There are exciting things happening with Naomi's Village, the orphanage we're building in Maai Mahiu, Kenya. Please check out the news on our
website to see the latest news, to see pictures of children who will steal your heart, and to see how you can get involved!
With hope,

Bob, Julie, Emily and Will

Our home group put on a garage sale last weekend to help raise funds for the construction of the orphanage, and we raised $1300 that we will be sending to them. But they need ALL the help they can get. In addition to building an orphanage, the Mendonsas also orchestrate a weekly feeding plan for the Kenyan children. Children walk for miles once a week to get to them so that they can be given basic food staples which they then take back to their families.

In addition to both these efforts, Bob works as an orthopedic surgeon in the CURE INTERNATIONAL Hospital there in Kijabe Kenya, where they are stationed.

Thank you,
Sandra O. x5358

The Wales Community Halloween Party

A family friend recently brought The Wales Community Group to my attention.

"...many of our 63 residents are older people, with physical or mental
disabilities. Each has been or could easily become homeless. These are people who are
struggling to maintain the dignity and life this home provides them." - Glenda

It’s a community living program in which clients live in apartments or community homes that are for persons not yet ready to live in the community independently. These homes provide a transition for people recently leaving a psychiatric facility or for persons who need intensive structure on a temporary basis. The goal is to promote a self-sufficient and satisfying life.

Glenda is throwing these clients a Halloween Lunch Party on Halloween and I am participating with my family and friends, but there are some needs that I'm hoping Ivie associates can help with.

There are 61 clients now: 31 men & 30 women…here is a list of things Glenda has mentioned she wanted to give to help the clients at the Halloween Party:

  • Walmart or Target gift cards
  • 4 oz bars of soap
  • Toothpaste (They have plenty of toothbrushes presently)
  • Shampoo (full size)
  • Hair products for black clients’
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Socks for men or women
  • Umbrellas- (Bus stops are hard to get to in the rain)
  • Paper towels
  • Bingo Prizes

If you can contribute please email or call me. I need all donations by Friday, October 30th.

Thank you,

Jennifer Pressly, x5024

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

$756 for the Breast Cancer 3-Day!

Our Jeans for Charity fundraiser for September raised a total of $756.80 for the Breast Cancer 3Day event benefiting the Susan G. Komen for the Cure. This is the most money we've raised in a month so far. Thank you so much to everyone who donated!

For the next couple of months we are going to change things up a little bit. Rather than just accepting $2 donation to wear jeans, we will also be accepting in-kind donations for our charity each month.

For October, the charity to benefit from these donations will be the Princess Alexa Foundation. This organization was created in memory of Alexa Aigner, a beautiful little 4-year old little girl who fought neuroblastoma, a childhood form of cancer, for most of her short life. Alexa passed away in June 2008. She LOVED playing dressing up so her family and friends started the Foundation to provide other critically ill children the opportunity to celebrate childhood through dress up and play. We will accept $2 donations and/or new costumes and accessories for boys and girls 2 to 10 years old. Please visit the website to learn more about this incredible organization.

Let us know if anyone has any questions.

~Becky P.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Serenity Springs Sanctuary

I have the Ivie Cares program at Ivie and Associates to thank for getting me involved with the wonderful Serenity Springs Sanctuary here in North Texas. I spend most of my Sundays at the sanctuary helping feed the pigs and work with the horses.

Serenity Springs Sanctuary is truly an animal heaven on earth. There are about 98 pigs, mostly Vietnamese Potbelly Pigs. There are 6 horses, two of them are totally blind. There are 3 miniature horses with two of those that are special needs animals. There are 3 mules, a miniature donkey, 2 cows, 1 goat, peacocks, chickens and 6 dogs and 12 cats. It is a great place to hang out and get some good ol' country peace and quiet.

Serenity Springs Sanctuary has stumbled on some very difficult times. Donations have dwindled and the veterinary bill has shot up due to 3 of the horses needing some critical care recently. The horses are fine now, even though little Cody, one of the miniature horses had to have one of his eyes removed.

If you would like to learn more about Serenity Springs Sanctuary, TV channel 11 just ran a news story about the sanctuary on September 11, 2009. You can view it by going to this link:

You can also go directly to Serenity Springs Sanctuary's web site to see the news clip or look at the photos of the many wonderful animals there. The web site also has a PayPal link if you would like to make a donation or if you are interested in sponsoring one of the animals there at the sanctuary.

If you want to visit the sanctuary and spend a lovely day in the country, just e-mail Terry at for directions on how to get there. The web site address is:

The photo above is of Sundown, the blind Appaloosa mare, and Cody, the little miniature horse that recently lost one of his eyes.

~Bonnie L. (Prepress in Flower Mound)

Create Footprints Lyme Disease Walk

This is the first ever Lyme Disease walk in our area! Many people suffer from this horrible disease and go untreated for months and years. Lyme is often misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, MS, and Lupus.

Turn the Corner Foundation was started in 2003 and it has quickly become one of the country's leading organizations in the fight against Lyme disease. Its mission is to raise donations to support of research, education, awareness and innovative treatments for Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases in order to find a cure.

Walk Details:
Sep 27, 2009 at 10am
Libertyville, IL
Registration - 10:00 am - Walk begins at 11:00 am
Walk - 2.5K or 5K
Families Welcome - Kids of All Ages
Family Entertainment and Raffles

Can't attend but would still like to help out?
Donate on-line at:
Register at:

Thank you.

Mary D. (USSCO office)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Video Games for Charity

Everyone has their own way in which to support and raise money for good causes. Some people bike, hike, race and climb. For me, I play video games!

This is the second year of Extra Life, a community charity effort 24 hour gaming marathon. This year on Oct. 17, me and thousands of other gamers all over the world will be playing to raise money for Texas Children’s Cancer Center at Texas Children’s Hospital. Last year over $120,000 was raised in one day alone.

I’m really excited and looking forward to the event, but I need some help. You can sponsor me for as much as you want or as little as $1 per hour of gaming or $24. I appreciate every bit and it all goes directly to a great cause. Just click on this link and hit “donate now” to sponsor me.

Thank you!
Check out the official site for more info.

-Leala U.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jeans for Charity - Update

In June we started an event called Jeans for Charity in our home office in Flower Mound, TX. Each Tuesday, associates are allowed to wear jeans to work in exchange for a $2 donation to charity. Each month we choose a different organization from a pool of charities submitted by Ivie associates. So far we've raised a total of $1642.92 for local charities.

June - $459.42 to the Denton County Habitat for Humanity
July - $608.75 to the Greyhound Adoption League of Texas
August - $574.75 to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

September donations will go to the Breast Cancer 3-Day benefiting Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

If you would like to submit a charity for consideration please send an email to The only requirement is that they be a 501c3 charitable organization.

~ Becky P.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Save the Date

Your fellow associates at Ivie are pulling together teams to participate in both of the following events. If you are interested in either of these events send an email to and we will add you to the email list for updates.

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
Benefitting: Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Event: 5k Race
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Northpark Center, Dallas, TX

Big D. Climb
Benefitting: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Event: 52 Flight Climb
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Fountain Place, Dallas, TX

If you have an event coming up that you would like to announce please don't hesitate to let us know. Thank you!

~Becky P. (Ivie-TX)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Crazy Compassionate: the story of an MS 150 participant

You might have to be a little crazy to hop on a bike for 85 miles one day and get back on the second day for another helping of 60-plus miles the next morning.

After riding the “Multiple Sclerosis 150 – Escape to the Lake (Erie)” last year I did a self check: “Katie, really think about how much pain you were in….how delusional and fatigued you became after riding so far in intense heat…how many cars flew past you at inappropriate speeds…how sore your legs were for the following week…” I can be impulsive and wanted to commit the pain of the event to memory so that I didn’t sign up for another year then dread the commitment.

These thoughts were flowing through my mind at our awards banquet last year. Suddenly the inner dialogue was cut through with a quick sentence from the race organizer. “Next year the midpoint will be in Edinboro.” Edinboro is where I grew up, so I immediately knew I was in!

On June 6th, 2009 at 7:30 a.m. my dad, boyfriend Kyle and I were ready to roll. The weather was a chilly 48 degrees with a serious fog cover. Our start time was delayed in an attempt to let the sun break through until 8 a.m. then we took off. The fog persisted and I experienced a new sensation where your body is cold and covered with goosebumps, yet the air is humid. I call it cold-clammy.

Around 9:30 the sun broke through and we hit our first rest stop. Spirits were high and after quick water bottle fill-ups and downing of PB&J sandwiches we got back onto our bikes.

We saw a lot of beautiful sights on those miles. Many Amish and Mennonites gathered on their porches to watch the spectacle of 1,640 cyclists rolling by. Horses, cows and goats looked up from their fields.

I give a lot of credit to the volunteers. Volunteers fall into three main categories and are about a one-to-one ratio with the riders. There are support vehicle drivers, rest stop helpers, and bike shop employees. My mom drove her car along the course for the second year. She cheered for us whenever she passed and picked up any riders that needed assistance whether they had fallen, needed more fluids, a ride to the next rest stop or were fixing a tire. Rest stop helpers give you much needed food, water and Gatorade. The bike shop employees help fix bike problems and sell things such as extra tubes. My dad was particularly excited to introduce me to his New Amish friend and bike shop owner Steven and his crew who are all Jamis enthusiasts and rode about 25 miles in dress shirts, suspenders, and dress pants to set up and help!

After a particularly cruel sequence of hills Saturday, we were down to the final 2 miles. I knew the area well since our loop ended in Edinboro and was overjoyed to tell Kyle “it’s all downhill from here!”

Sunday morning we woke up and headed down to the starting line once again. This time instead of a loop we headed towards the Ohio border and beyond to end in Conneaut, Ohio on the shore of Lake Erie. In contrast to the year before, the weather was cool and comfortable.

The trade-up I did from a hybrid bike to a true road bike (thank you for letting me borrow your bike Jackie!) was also a huge perk. The miles flew by. We had a much easier course than Saturday with few steep climbs and many pleasant down-hills. I was in a fabulous mood until the occasional shoulder cramp or quad pain brought me back to the reality of what a grueling endeavor distance biking is.

In the afternoon, we zoomed past the finish line to Conneaut Lake Park where they have a DJ blaring uplifting songs (yes, you guessed it – Cool & the Gang “Celebrate Good Times” was in the lineup). Kyle, my dad and I quickly hopped off our bicycles and bee-lined for the free pizza. Next, I suggested that we grab a Dilly Bar and walk to the waters edge. The three of us lazily strolled down the boardwalk and sat on a bench watching the water.

Soon, a woman named El walked by. She has MS and spoke to our Dick's Sporting Goods team last year during “Lunch and Learn” sessions. She helped explain to us what having the disease is like and offered lots of inspiration and appreciation for the riders who raise money and donate their time. She was using a cane and aided by her family. They sat down to the right of us at another bench.

Seeing her walk by with the loving support of her family was a great reminder of why I toughed it out and rode for a second year. I am blessed to have my health and to have a compassionate heart that wants to help others. I am blessed to have a family and friends that support me through my life and I’m proud to be able to help raise well-deserved funds to the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation so that they can keep improving people’s lives with research and aide.

If you would like to get involved you can visit the national site:

If you would like to donate to my personal fundraising site please visit:
~Katie T. (Ivie-Pittsburgh)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Successful Fundraiser for the American Cancer Society

Thanks to all departments for stepping it up this year, and congratulations to ACCOUNT SERVICES for raising the most pennies, and winning the Penny War this year. They will be rewarded with a plaque and pizza plus Prepress will also receive a plaque for their 2008 Penny War win.

$2,633.03 TOTAL was raised for the event!

This was short of the goal, but VERY good considering the limited time everyone had to raise funds, and the current economic climate. Relay for life is VERY grateful for the donations, and IVIE CARES once again thanks EVERYONE at IVIE for making a real difference in the community and the world in which we live.

**Debi Amon
Anna Dinnyes
Tricia Epping
*Cindy Flenar
Robin & Keith Ganslen
Kelly Hancock
Loan Huynh
Tori Huynh
Bonnie Lacombe
Travis McElroy
**Chris Ray
Michelle Tease
Meagan Vaughn
*Cindy walked the furthest (over 18 miles the night of the event!)
**Team Captain

View pictures at Ivie's Flickr Page and video on Ivie's YouTube Page.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

RELAY FOR LIFE - Carrollton, TX

If you indicated via the survey link that you were interested in participating in the Relay for Life event in Carrollton, TX on May 29th please send an email to They're will be a meeting scheduled soon so we want to make sure everyone is included.
Thank you!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

150-Mile Bike Ride for Multiple Sclerosis

Sandra Ogden is the Director of Production at Ivie and her husband Rich is participating in an 150 mile bike ride to raise money for multiple sclerosis.

"I've registered for the Bike MS: SAM'S CLUB Ride to fulfill a personal challenge, and also to help the National MS Society fund research, advocate for change and help people with MS and their families lead powerful lives. I believe in the work they do and want to be part of it."

Please visit Rich's page and make a donation if you can.

Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological disorder that affects people in many different ways. It could be paralysis one day, loss of vision the next or impaired memory the day after that. Living with MS means living with uncertainty. When it comes to MS, only two things are certain:Another American is diagnosed every hour of every dayMany people are joining the movement toward a world free of MS including me.

Donation Boxes in Lobby

We now have donations boxes setup in the lobby for 2 things:
1. Magazine donations, which will be sent to a platoon in Iraq.
2. Toiletry donations, which will go to a local shelter.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Magazine Donations - Bring em on!

We are relaunching our magazing donation project. Some time in the next week I will get a basket for us to place the magazines in the upstairs lobby. In the meantime feel free to drop them in my office. Below is a note we received from the mother of one of the troops plus you can view a few pictures in the Links to the right:

Hi! My name is Laura and my son LCPL Tim Keele just returned from his second deployment to Iraq. He is currently in Denton visiting for two weeks and one day before he heads back to the Marine Base in Kaneohe Bay, HI. While I'm extremely overjoyed with the return of my Marine the fact that we do live in such a "small world" has hit close to home. LCPL Randon Atkinson who is stationed at 29 Palms, CA is a member of the platoon that replaced Tim's platoon in Iraq, so while I have my son home another mother, a father and two sisters have their son and brother deployed again. Tim and Randon know each other. They both were recruited from the Carrollton, TX recruit office. Randon's sister Rachel and Tim both used to work for me part time while attending college and I remember Rachel bringing her younger brother Randon up to work sometimes.

My desire to send recycled magazine to our troops will continue until all of our soldiers return home. We sometimes take for granted our freedom while our troops go on patrols, eat less than desirable food, (Tim's platoon had ravioli for Thanksgiving last year), request socks in their next care package, wait in long lines to use a computer and even longer lines to use the phone. They are lacking a good night sleep each night and are on call 24/7 for the length of their deployments. Each living quarter has a table for reading material and every box of magazines sent to our troops is added to the table so they have some form of entertainment and a connection to the real world. Our troops just can't get in a car and go out to eat or see a movie while deployed so the magazines are truly appreciated.

Thank you for all you've done and continue to do Ivie & Assoc. employees....

Monday, March 9, 2009

Best Buddies of Texas

Best Buddies is the world's largest non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendships. People with disabilities are often excluded from society because of their differences. This organization is determined to end social isolation for people with intellectual disabilities by establishing meaningful and lasting friendships with their non-disabled peers. These friendships help increase self-esteem, confidences and the abilities of all involved.

On Saturday, April 25th from 1-4pm Best Buddies will be holding their annual Festival of Friendship to raise awareness and funds for the Texas program. If you are interested in participating in this event please send an email to

Best Buddies is rated 4 ouf of 4 stores by Charity Navigator.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Volunteer Release Time

Are you interested in volunteering but just can't find the time? Don't forget that Ivie offers a Volunteer Release Time program that allows you to take 24 hours (full time associate) or 12 hours (part time associates) of paid time off each year to volunteer.

If you're interested please visit the Ivie Cares website to review program details and complete the form. This form must be approved by your supervisor and the time must also be entered into HRB.

If you have any questions send an email to

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Raising Money for Victims of Violence & Scholarships

Women of Flower Mound is holding a fundraiser to raise money for local college scholarships as well as for Denton County Friends of the Family. This year’s Fashion Show is scheduled for February 28th, 2009 from 10am to 2pm. The event will include a brunch, fashion show, silent auction, and door prizes.

WOFM is committed to various activities within the community, such as helping those less fortunate through the Adopt-A-Family program, participating in the annual Holiday Stroll with the Town of Flower Mound, assisting with the Flower Mound Independence Day Children’s Parade, the Easter Sunrise Service on the Mound as well as contributing to local elementary schools and non-profit organizations. Their year long fundraising efforts culminate with an annual Fashion Show.

If you are interested in attending their 7th Annual Fashion Show & Champagne Brunch or getting involved with the organization please contact Cindy Flenar. If you'd like to read more about Denton County Friends of the Family you can find the link under Recommended Links.

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Ivie Cares recently printed some posters for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The event is the Saint Valentine's Day Luncheon & Fashion Show which is celebrating it's 25th anniversary on February 13th.

The Mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Since its founding in 1949, the Society has invested $600 million in research specifically targeting leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Last year alone, the Society made 5.1 million contacts with patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals.

If you are interested in getting involved please contact Loan Huynh. To read more about this event visit you can visit their website.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Humane Society of the Ozarks

For the past two years, Ivie has been able to secure donated paper and press time for the annual Humane Society of the Ozarks Pet Calendar based out of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Last year’s calendar netted over $40,000! This year’s calendar is estimated to net over $50,000!

Ivie’s generous donations will support the following vital Humane Society programs:
  • Low-cost spay and neuter assistance program
  • Free spay/neuter mobile clinics held annually in surrounding towns
  • Emergency outreach
  • Shelter rescue outreach
  • Cruelty prevention and investigation
  • Adoption awareness
  • Medical care in animal cruelty cases
  • Elementary Classroom Educational Programs (KIND NEWS)

If you’d like a copy of this planner for a $25 donation, please contact Erin Lindsey at

All Travelers: Hotel Toiletries Needed

If you are someone who travels a lot we could use your help. Many local homeless, children's and women's shelters are in need of toiletries for their residents. Before you leave your hotel, toss all those lotions, shampoos, etc. in your bag and bring them back to the office. Ivie Cares will collect them and get them to local shelters in need.

Here is one organization we have heard about recently:
Cumberland Children's Home
Thank you!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thank You for Magazines

Hi Kim,
I wanted to let you know again how much I appreciated all the recycled magazines that you brought by my house from you and your co-workers at Ivie and Associates. Every week I was able to ship a care box to my son LCPL Timothy D. Keele, which included the magazines for him to share with his fellow Marines. Instead of throwing them away, you and your co-workers took the time to gather the magazines, bring them to work and then you Kim, made sure I had a slew of them to mail out each week.

I'm very excited to pass on the good news that the 1/3 B Co 1st Platoon will be leaving Iraq soon and be back to their base in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii in about a month.Thank you again, so much, Ivie and Associates employees for donating to my son and OUR countries soldiers. The reading materials helped to pass away some of their down time. Their reading table was just as popular as waiting in the long line to use the phone to call home !!!
Laura Keele-Kelson

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Handmade Greeting Cards

I recently joined a nationwide group that makes handmade greeting cards and sends them to our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. They can be of any design on the front (holidays, anniversary, birthday, miss you, love you, etc.) but the inside should be blank so that the soldiers can write their own personal greeting. An envelope for each card is also needed. The cards can be all the same or all different and any number is appreciated. For those who aren’t able to make cards, monetary donations are appreciated to help with shipping costs.

Anyone who would like to participate can contact me if they have questions and cards can be shipped to me at the Iowa Call Center.

Thank you.
Cindy Horvath
563-386-5886 x.3137